China Luzhong LZ series wheel tractors


120-160HP Tractors
90-130HP Tractors
60-80HP Tractors TB+
40-55HP Tractors TB
40-50HP Tractors TE
25-45HP Tractors TY
35-50HP Orchard Tractors
55-80HP Orchard Tractors
Articulated Tractor
Tractor Implements
Tractor Parts



ADD.:West Beigong St.,Weifang,China.
TEL: 86-536-8762171
FAX: 86-536-8219865




Lawn Mower

Lawn mower, rake, mower with rake

Mounted Mowers

Description :
9G lawn mower makes use of an offset type crank connecting rod mechanism to drive a cutting knife to carry out the mowing operation. The mower is mainly suitable for the native grass and planted grass mowing operations in the pasture land in the agricultural and pastoral areas, and mountainous area and hill pasture lands. The mower has the advantages of reasonable structure, low stubble cutting, reliable use, etc.

9GL hay rake, matching with a small four-wheel tractor, is mainly used for the hay collecting operations after mowing. The implement adopts a hydraulic overturning mechanism and spring steel rake fingers. During the working process, the rake fingers can be overturned by the hydraulic overturning mechanism so as to realize the offloading of the hay.

9GX lawn mower is mainly suitable for the mowing and cleaning of pasture land and shrub land as well as the renewal and reconstruction of pastures with uneven field surface.

9GBL raker and mower and rake makes use of an offset type crank connecting rod mechanism to drive a knife to carry out the mowing operation when a rake mechanism rakes the hay. The machine is mainly suitable for the native grass and planted grass mowing and raking operations in the pasture land in the agricultural and pastoral areas, and mountainous area and hill pasture lands.





 Shandong Weifang Luzhong Tractor Co.,Ltd., one of the largest private tractor manufacturer in China, is located in Weifang City, Shandong Province, China . LZ series tractors are from 17HP to 85HP, include 17HP-25HP series,25HP-32HP series,35HP series,40HP-55HP series,70-85HP series......                             More


Contact Information

 Add: West Beigong St.,Weifang,China.
 Post code:261021


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Luzhong tractor,LZ tractor,china tractor,tractor implements,farm tractor,agricultural tractor